
Addresses of grating companies:
Diffracton Products, Inc;
Dr. Edward Leibhardt, President, 9416 West Bull Vally Rd.,P.O.
Box 1030
Woodstock, IL 60098, USA; Phone: (815)338-6768; Fax: (815)338-7167
Comments by Fred Veio on buying diffraction gratings
Amateurs who look at this web site are likely to
eventually need to buy a grating for a SHS. But they must buy a 90%
theoretical resolution grating in order for the SHS to work well. They must be
warned that a good grating will cost about $350 or more for size 32x30mm ruled
area with 1200 gr-mm, 5000A (500nm, green) blazed is adequate, even 6000A
(600nm, orange red) or 7500A(750am, red) are adequate. You should give
nanometers, nm, and angstroms. Catalogs about 20 years ago used
angstroms, but recently they use nanometers, which can be confusing to a
Selection of a plane grating for a spectrohelioscope:
There are a few ways to judge the quality of a replica
grating for a spectrohelioscope. You need a 90% theoretical resolution for the
grating so that the SHS performs properly. A 45% to 50% resolution grating is
never recommended, the latter replicas are about half the price of a 90%
grating .For example, a 90% resolution grating of 32x30mm ruled area with 1200
gr/mm will cost about $350 or more. A 50% resolution grating for the same
area and grooves/mm will cost about $170 or less.
Thickness of the grating: A
50% resolution grating will be 5mm to 10mm thick for 25x25mm to 50x50mm ruled
area. A 90% resolution grating will be 10mm thick for 25x25mm to50x50mm ruled
area. A larger grating will be 16mm thick.
glass is used: Float glass will be for
50% resolution gratings. BK7 and pyrex will be for 90% resolution gratings.
Price of the grating compared to a
known high quality 90% resolution grating: A 50% resolution grating
will be about half the price of a 90% grating. The price itself will be a big
important factor in evaluating the grating.
How the grating was made: A
50% resolution grating can be part of a larger replica.The latter is cut sawed
into smaller pieces. A 90% grating is made individually from a master grating,
never cut sawed.
How is the replica made?:
First, the master grating is put in a vacuum chamber. A very thin layer of oil
is sprayed over the surface. This is the parting agent. Then the master
grating is coated with an aluminum coating. The master grating with Al coating
is taken out of the vacuum chamber. Now a layer of epoxy is put over the Al
coating, a glass substrate is put on top of the epoxy, all is allowed to cure
for about 20 hours.Finally the master grating and replica are separated. The
replica will be exactly equal to the master grating if proper methods are
The passband for the H alpha line should be about 0.6A
wide for best contrast to the solar disk detail. This means that the grating
must resolve about two to three times better than 0.6A, namely about 0.2 to
0.3A. The resolution of a grating is calculated by adding up all the lines and
dividing the latter into the wavelength used. So a 32x30mm ruled area with
1200 gr/mm is about 38,000 total lines, and that figure divided into 0.6A will
yield about 0.2A in the first order. It is that simple.
For a SHS and a powerful solar spectroscope, use a 90%
theoretical resolution grating. For an average solar spectroscope, one can
compromise with a 50% resolution grating, save much money, and still have a
good view of the solar spectrum.
Master gratings used by a company are 90% theoretical
resolution or better. If the grating catalog of the company states that the
replica is made from a master, that does not mean that the replica is equal to
the master in quality. In other words, if the master grating is 90%
resolution, a high quality replica will be equal to the master, namely 90% or
better. And an average quality replica will be about 45% resolution due to
the method used. The wording is the catalog can be vague.
Reflection Grating Efficiency Curves; Fredrick N. Veio, 2002
The following values were taken
from reflection grating charts on the web site of the Richardson Grating
Laboratory. It is now called ThermoRGL. Littrow test condition. H alpha line
is 6563A wavelength. Solar spectrum has visible colors of violet at about
4000A wavelength, blue at 4500A, green at 5200A, yellow at 5900A, orange-red
at 6500A, and red beyond 7500A wavelength.
The violet CaII lines are H at 3934A and
K at 3968A wavelength, blue H beta at 4861A, green Mg of b1, b2, b4 at 5184A,
5173A, 5167A respectively, green Mg b3 is two close Fe lines at 5169A, two D 2
and D 1 yellow Na at 5190A and 5196A, D 3 yellow He at 5176A, orange-red (red
for short) H alpha at 6563A.
A 600 gr/mm grating has orders of 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7 and violet of the 8th (80 deg angle).
A 1200 gr/mm grating has orders of 1, 2, 3
and violet of the 4th (80 deg angle).
An 1800 gr/mm grating has a full visible
first order and violet-blue-green of the second.
A 2100 gr/mm grating has a full visible
first order of violet-blue-green-yellow-orange red.
The following are examples for comparison
in regards to blazed wavelength. It is not too critical in most cases what
blazed wavelength to employ. A grating blazed at 4000A wavelength is bright
for violet, a bit less for the rest of the spectrum. A grating blazed at 5000A
is bright for green but reasonably good for the rest of the spectrum. A
grating blazed at 6000A is bright for the orange-red. A grating blazed at one
micron is bright for the red but still good from the orange-red to the deep
red, not so good for the violet-blue. Grating blazed for 4000A, 5000A and
6000A are the usual choice, but the one micron blazed grating has special
characteristics of usage. See below.
First order will be used almost all the
time for the spectrohelioscope mode. But in the spectroscope mode, you can use
the first up to the fifth order of a 600 gr/mm grating as most practical; use
first and second orders for a 1200 gr/mm grating; use first and part of the
second order for an 1800 gr/mm grating. Higher orders give more resolving
power by the grating and produce a much longer solar spectrum, thereby
spreading out lengthwise the spectrum in order to see finer spectral details.
Here are several gratings for comparison.
1200 |
gr/mm |
4000A |
78% |
average |
in first |
order |
about |
60% |
4000A |
blazed |
5000A |
59 |
first |
order |
6000A |
38 |
7000A |
47 |
1200 |
gr/mm |
4000A |
70% |
average |
in |
first |
order |
about |
70% |
5000A |
blazed |
5000A |
82 |
first |
order |
6000A |
71 |
average |
in |
second |
order |
about |
10% |
7000A |
63 |
1200 |
gr/mm |
4000A |
40% |
average |
in |
first |
order |
about |
70% |
6000A |
blazed |
5000A |
72 |
first |
order |
6000A |
77 |
average |
in |
second |
order |
about |
20% |
7000A |
68 |
1200 |
gr/mm |
4000A |
10% |
average |
first |
order |
about |
60% |
one |
micron blaz. |
5000A |
32 |
first |
order |
6000A |
60 |
7000A |
58 |
average |
second |
order |
from |
4000A |
8000A |
60 |
7000A |
is |
about |
50% |
9000A |
67 |
10000A |
68 |
1800 |
gr/mm |
4000A |
60% |
average |
first |
order |
65% |
5000A |
blazed |
5000A |
75 |
first |
order |
6000A |
68 |
7000A |
64 |
2160 |
gr/mm |
4000A |
57% |
average |
first |
order |
about |
56% |
5000A |
blazed |
5000A |
58 |
first |
order |
6000A |
59 |
7000A |
56 |
The point to all the above presentation is
that all is not critical about a certain grating just for the H alpha line.
One does not have to have exactly this or that blazed wavelength. There is
some leeway here and there.
There is NOT a lot of sun light that
enters the human eye in the spectrohelioscope mode. The sun image is focused
by the telescope on the entrance slit, but the slit is very narrow.About 99%
of the sun light does not enter the entrance slit. The remaining one per cent
goes to the spectroscope lens, bounces off the grating as a spectrum, back
through the spec lens and to the exit slit. The spectrum is greatly spread
lengthwise. Only a narrow section of the solar spectrum passes through the
exit slit at a greatly reduced level, which is very safe to the human eye. The
spectroscope mode is just as safe as the spectrohelioscope mode.
March 15, 2002
Edmund Scientific sells holographic
transmission grating in the form of a thick film. Sheets are about 150x 300mm,
if I remember correctly. Each sheet costs about $10 USA. They have two types,
namely about 25,000 lines/inch and about 14,000 lines/inch. You can cut a
small section about 30x30mm and mount in a cardboard slide of about 50x50mm.
Hold up to a light source and see a rainbow of light. Do not hold up to the
sun in the sky. You can have a white card,or newspaper, on the ground. Let sun
light reflect off the paper and into the grating.Or use a cloud in the sky.
For a simple spectroscope, use a cardboard
box about 150x150mm or larger. Or a piece of cardboard tubing about 150 to
200mm length. For best visual results, you must have a clean sharp slit made
out of two razor blades, or blades from a pencil sharpener.The clean slit must
be about 10 to 25microns wide in order to have some easily visible lines in
the solar spectrum, or other light source in the home or out in the street
that you look at. Never make a slit just out of paper. It is impossible to get
a decent slit that way. Maybe you get a few crude, visible lines seen, but
never much beyong that. Try to make a clean slit, does not have to be
extreemely sharp, can be dull sharp, not that critical at all.
You mount two blades on a piece of metal,
a piece of wood, thick cardboard, whatever.Have one blade fixed with tape. The
other blade is held in place with a piece of tape. Put the mounted blades up
to a light bulb. Look through the slit towards the light.. Adjust the width of
the slit by finger pressure. When the slit is barely visible, this is about 10
microns wide. When the slit is easily visible, this is about 25 microns wide.
Do not make the slit wider than 25 microns.You do not need exactly this or
that, not that critical, just get it close is ok.
Remember that the strong lines in the
solar spectrum are thick and wide, and they will be easy to see. So the 25
microns slilt width will be ok. The fainter lines are narrower and will be
more difficult to see because the slit width of about 25 microns is a bit too
wide. So close the slit to about ten microns and the fainter solar spectrum
lines will sharpen up somewhat.
All the above is for a transmisson
spectroscope of basic needs. You can buy a small reflecton grating about
12x25mm from Edmund. Get 1200 gr/mm at least, preferably 1800 gr/mm. Have a
small box about 200x200x200mm placed on the table. Cut two separate holes on
tope of the box. Put the grating inside on the bottom of the box. One hole ff
for the mounted slits as discussed above. The other hole off to the side is
for the eye. The sun light via a white card, or home light source, will pass
through the slit, down to the grating, reflect off the grating and out to the
second hole into the eye.You will see spectral lines. With a home florescent
light, you will see emisson lines.
The two above basic spectroscopes are easy
to build. For much better spectral detail, buy some short f.l. achromats, the
longer the better, because the spectrum is stretched out longer, spreading out
the solar detail. So about 200mm f.l. achromats is ok for a start. But about
500mm f.l. achromats will be better.The two separate achromats mounted in
separate tubing eliminates a problem of stray light. The whole spectroscope
does not have to be 100% light tight, about 99% light tight is ok.The f.l. of
the eyepiece should be about 30mm to 40mm. A high powered eyepiece, say about
6mm f.l., does not work to best advantage. Always remember that the spectral
lines are a reflection of the slit itself. My 119 page book on
spectrohelioscopes had discussion in the back pages.
Cheers, Fred Veio